Monday 10 October 2016

                                       NURCERY ROOM

A nursery is usually, in American connotations, a bedroom within a house or other dwelling set aside for an infant or toddler. A typical nursery would contain a crib (or similar type of bed), a table or platform for changing diapers (also known as a changing table), as well as various items required for the care of the child (such as baby powder and medicine). A nursery is generally designated for the smallest bedroom in the house, as a baby needs very little space until at least 1 of age; used for sleep. However, the room in many cases could remain the bedroom of the child well into his or her teenageyears, or until a younger sibling is born, and the parents decide to move the older child into another larger bedroom, if one should be available.

A nursery was a suite of rooms at the top of a house, including the night nursery, where the children slept, and a day nursery, where they ate and played, or a combination thereof. The nursery suite would include some bathroom facilities and possibly a small kitchen. The nurse (nanny) and nursemaid (assistant) slept in the suite too, to be within to hear the sleeping children.

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