Wednesday 10 May 2017


Me llamo Andrea Martín y soy escritora de literatura infantil. He creado numerosos cuentos de fantasía , de historia etc..., pero sin embargo este va a ser algo diferente. He tenido el honor de haber presenciado esto en mi infancia con mi mejor amigo Jacob Portman. Algo tan intrépido y peligroso que os pondrá los pelos de punta, y es a la vez algo tan fascinante y asombroso que no podréis parar de leer; con cada giro os asustareis, con cada sonido os alarmareis.
Todo empezó en Florida, donde Jacob y yo nos encontrábamos cuando éramos muy pequeñitos. En aquellos tiempos Jacob me invitaba a su casa para escuchar las historias magnificas del pasado de su abuelo, que a nosotros nos parecían algo inusuales y extraordinarias: se trataba del antiguo orfanato al que acudía su abuelo. Nos contaba como allí habían niños con peculiaridades extraordinarias ¿Acaso existen? ,eso es lo que os planteareis ahora mismo, pero ni yo ni Jacob nos habíamos planteado esa pregunta hasta que cumplimos 7 años. Habíamos llegado a la conclusión que era solo fantasías que se había inventado el abuelo Portman para entretenernos entonces llegamos al acuerdo de contar al abuelo Portman las malas noticias. Cuando le contamos las malas noticias al abuelo de Jacob ,nos miró con cara de decepción, la misma cara que les ponía a los padres de Jacob. Los padres de Jacob consideraban al abuelo Portman como un loco que perdió la cabeza hace muchos años, no les gustaban que el abuelo Portman nos contara sus locuras de historias por si nos convertiríamos en unos locos también. Bueno como seguía ,le contamos las malas noticias al abuelo de Jacob preparados para lo peor, pero por nuestra sorpresa no hizo eso sino respondió con suavidad y con toda la calma del mundo: "Vale no os lo creáis". Y desde ese punto adelante aunque no lo sabíamos en ese momento íbamos a tener la aventura de nuestras vidas.


La literatura es algo fascinante , donde sacamos toda nuestra creatividad y se lo enseñamos al mundo eso es lo que yo comprendí cuando me dedique a ser escritora de literatura infantil. Un amante a la fotografía y a la literatura lo iba a descubrir y su nombre era Ransom Riggs. Se crío en una granja en Maryland, el empezó a escribir libros cuando era joven. Cuando era un poco más mayor le regalaron una cámara de fotografía para navidad y desde allí entonces le encanta la fotografía . Para el libro: El hogar de Miss Peregrine para niños peculiares mezclo sus dos pasiones que son: la fotografía y la literatura.

Sunday 16 October 2016


Parent's room is a lovely room where the adults sleep at night and 
rest. In the parent's room there is no desks.They have a bathroom.  

                                       SEE YOU SOON !!!

Monday 10 October 2016

                                       NURCERY ROOM

A nursery is usually, in American connotations, a bedroom within a house or other dwelling set aside for an infant or toddler. A typical nursery would contain a crib (or similar type of bed), a table or platform for changing diapers (also known as a changing table), as well as various items required for the care of the child (such as baby powder and medicine). A nursery is generally designated for the smallest bedroom in the house, as a baby needs very little space until at least 1 of age; used for sleep. However, the room in many cases could remain the bedroom of the child well into his or her teenageyears, or until a younger sibling is born, and the parents decide to move the older child into another larger bedroom, if one should be available.

A nursery was a suite of rooms at the top of a house, including the night nursery, where the children slept, and a day nursery, where they ate and played, or a combination thereof. The nursery suite would include some bathroom facilities and possibly a small kitchen. The nurse (nanny) and nursemaid (assistant) slept in the suite too, to be within to hear the sleeping children.

Sunday 9 October 2016

                                GIRLS BEDROOM:

A dollhouse or doll's house is a toy home made in miniature. For the last century, dollhouses have primarily been the domain of children but their collection and crafting is also a hobby for many adults. The term dollhouse is used commonly in the United States and Canada. In the UK (United Kingdom) the term.

Today's dollhouses trace their history back about four hundred years to the dolls' house or dollshouse is used. baby house display cases of Europe, which showed idealized interiors. Smaller dollhouses with more realistic exteriors appeared in Europe in the 18th century. Early dollhouses were all handmade, but following the Industrial Revolution and World War II, they were increasingly mass-produced and became more standardized and affordable. Dollhouses can range from simple boxes stacked together used as rooms for play, up to multimillion-dollar structures displayed in museums.

Contemporary children's play dollhouses are mostly in 1:18 (or 2/3") scale, while 1:12 (or 1") scale is common for dollhouses made for

Miniature homes, furnished with domestic articles and resident inhabitants, both people and animals, have been made for thousands of years. The earliest known examples were found in the Egyptian tombs of the Old Kingdom, created nearly five thousand years ago. These wooden models of servants, furnishings, boats, livestock and pets placed in the Pyramids almost certainly were made for religious purposes.

The earliest known European dollhouses were the baby houses from the 16th century, which consisted of cabinet display cases made up of individual rooms. Dollhouses of this period showed idealized interiors complete with detailed furnishings and accessories. The cabinets were built by hand with architectural details, filled with miniature household items and were solely intended for adults. They were off-limits to children, not because of safety concerns for the child but for the dollhouse. Such cabinet houses were trophy collections owned by the few matrons living in the cities of Holland, England and Germany who were wealthy enough to afford them, and, fully furnished, were worth the price of a modest full-size house's construction.

A 17th century Nuremberg, Germany dollhouse

Smaller doll houses such as the Tate house, with more realistic exteriors, appeared in Europe in the 18th century.



Thursday 6 October 2016


These chairs were done in brown leatherette with custom stitching. The legs are walnut.
Informacion de:

In Western architecture, a living room, also called a lounge room, lounge or sitting room, is in a room a residential house or apartment for relaxing and socializing. Such a room is sometimes called a front room when it is near the main entrance at the front of the house. In large formal homes, a sitting room is often a small private living area adjacent to a bedroom, such as the Queen's Sitting Room and the Licoln Sitting Room of the White House. The term living room was coined in the late 19th or early 20th century.
A typical Western living room may contain furnishings such as a sofa, chairs, occasional tables, coffee tables, bookshelves, electric lamps, rugs, or other furniture. Traditionally, a sitting room in the United Kingdom and New Zealand has a fireplace, dating from when this was necessary for heating. In a Japanese sitting room, called a washito, the floor is covered with tatami, sectioned mats, on which people can sit comfortably.In larger homes in the United States and Canada, the living room may be reserved for more formal and quiet entertaining, while a separate room such as a den, family room, or recreation room is used for leisure and informal entertainment (e.g., a home cinama may be located there). A great room, combines the functions of one or more of these rooms.information from:

This is great

This is increadible made out of popsicle